a great dog explains benefits of raw bones for your chow and shih tzu puppy
Feeding Your chow and shih tzu puppy raw bones
Many Diseases have their origin in an animal's gut. When the Gut is not breaking down and providing nutirents to the blood, organs cannot function as designed and that is the root of health problems. A healthy strong immune system is the key to good health. Raw bones provide key nutrients to develop strong immune system.
Species Appropriate DietsResearch has shown that wild animals tend to live longer than domestic animals. Domestic animals tend to succumb to more and more exotic and unheard of diseases.The root causes of these diseases is the Gut bacteria and the Immune System. This is a direct correlation to Species Appropriate Natural Diet.
Biological Appropriate Raw Food with Bones (BARF Diet) helps with creating a proper healthy immune system and good health.

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