A great dog Explains Diarrhea and Poop eating in Chow and Shih tzu puppies
All Dogs Occasionally Will Have DiarrheaThere are two types of Diarrhea. Watch these videos on how to determine which type your dog has and how to treat it at home.

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Dog Diarrhea Problems

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Pet Dehydration

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Viral Causes

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Digestive enzymes
Pancreatic or enzyme issues

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Poop Eating
Many Dog owners are disgusted and grossed out with their dog that eats poop. Dogs have been eating poop for centuries, and it turns out it is not such a bad thing and may help keep the Doctor away and help your dog live longer.
Probiotics and Detoxing Sometimes chemicals and antibiotics can retard or even destroy the good bacteria which are essential in helping with gastric problems which may lead to diarrhea.The constant medication and chemicals that dogs are exposed to through vaccination, grooming (shampoo), flea and heartworm treatments, can upset the bacterial flora in a dog's digestive system and introduce toxins that create health issues. Having a fecal transplant will reintroduce the correct microbes to a dogs bowels and help support a strong immune system.
Eating poop that contains essential bacteria and enzymes can help repair Gasric Bacterial Flora imbalances. Having a fecal transplant will reintroduce the correct microbes to a dogs bowels and help support a strong immune system.
Biological Appropriate Raw Food and Bones helps eliminate poop eating.
Biological Appropriate Raw Food and Bones helps eliminate poop eating.

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